Key to a Happy Marriage


I got married at a young age so it took me a lot of time to get adjusted to my new life. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I still feel myself struggling. To help me understand marriage, I started reading the bible on what GOD expects out of marriage.

God instituted marriage

“Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, fr she was taken out of man”

Therefore according to the bible God is very clear on what a successful marriage should be

Ephesians 4: 2-3 says ” Be completely humble and gentle: be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. A strong marriage begins with humanity which is humbleness.

Humble means accepting the truth that you are not always right. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” Second Chronicles 26:5

In a marriage we tend to always think we are right and we never turn to look at our spouse’s feelings. If we become humble in our marriage, we are able to stop and look at our spouse feelings before reacting and admit that we are not always right

Now gentleness is a very strong value your marriage needs.

Being gentle and compassionate is a must (without gentleness couples can’t develop a bond. Having a bond means you can go to your partner and share anything with them, bonds also have much to do with trust and security knowing your partner will always be there for you under any circumstances.

Trust is another way to help your marriage

Building trust in any relationship takes time and patience

“Commit your way to the lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to the past.

If you are struggling in your marriage, I posted some starters on how to get through it.

Ways to be humble

  1. Practice mindfulness
  2. Focus on present
  3. Serve your husband
    Ephesians 5:22-33 “Wives be willing to serve your husbands the same as the lord”
    ” A husband is the head of his wife, just as christ is the head of the church.
  4. Forgive your husband
  5. Adopt a gentle spirit

Ways to be gentle

  1. Setting aside your judge at least for the time being
  2. Making space for the other person to express himself by listening thoughtfully

Ways to rebuild trust

  1. Decide to forgive or to be forgiven
    (That’s where humbleness comes in at accepting that your not always right)
  2. Be open to self-growth and improvement. You can’t repair broken trust with just promises and statements of forgiveness