Expecting moms preparing for delivery

Rather you’re a first time mom or a seasoned mom giving birth will be one of the greatest achievements in our lives, but knowing you’re ready to give birth within the next few weeks days or even hours can be nerve wrecking. I created a hospital bag check list for you, baby, and support person to help moms feel more secure and to be prepared for whatever happens, Having a check list also ensures you have the essentials the hospital doesn’t provide. When I was pregnant with my first babygirl I didn’t know what to expect! I didn’t even have a check list! When I had my second baby I was a little more prepared but not as prepared as I should have been, my water broke unexpectedly and I had to go to the hospital in a hurry. This time around with my 3rd baby I think I will be more than prepared, I decided to pack my hospital bag a month earlier and keep it by the front door so if anything unexpected happens I will be more than prepared. I created this downloadable hospital bag checklist to ensure that nothing gets forgotten!
- Comfortable clothing (Pajamas, Socks, Other clothing including change of underwear)
Such as button down pajama sets that will allow the doctors and nurses to easily check on you after delivery also if your breast feeding, it makes it easier for the baby to latch on to your areola. Women also experience a lot of physical discomfort so wearing the right clothing is a plus. It also reduce discomfort and make the overall giving birth experience tolerable.
- TOILETRIES ( Shampoo, Lotion, Tooth brush, Face mask, Tooth paste, Tooth Brush, Mouth Wash, Mints, Large pads,)
Having your own toiletries is more soothing than using the hospitals at times, having a certain smelling shampoo and body wash you use all the time can give you a sense of familiarity and comfort.
- Nipple cream
If you’re deciding to breast feed, nipple cream is a must have. Especially if your breast feeding for the first time. Breast feeding can leave your nipples sore and dry, nipple cream adds moisture to your skin and leave you feeling more relaxed and comfortable.
- Identification card/Insurance-card
You will need some type of identification card when checking in to the hospital also your health insurance card if you have not already registered for delivery.
- Phone Charger
- Glasses/Contacts
- Sleep masks/Ear plugs
- Money/debit card
- Medication
- Going home outfit/Makeup
We made it to the best part, its time to go home! That means we made it through delivery and were ready to bring our new born home to cuddle with. I don’t know about you but I love the last day in the hospital and I usually feel like myself so I do put makeup on and bring a cute comfortable outfit!
Your baby won’t need a lot except your love, warmth and care but here are a few things I added to ensure baby is comfortable while in the hospital. Car seat for a safe drive home, hats and socks to keep baby warm, burp cloths, nursing pillow if you decide to breast feed.
Most of the time nurses will encourage you to try and breast feed as it helps them grow healthy and strong, also protects them from infections and illnesses. Diapers, baby wipes, diaper rash cream and baby lotion. Of course the Hospital will provide most of these items but I love having my own essentials for my newborn.
Support Person
Don’t forget about your support person, they play an important role during your delivery, rather its your spouse, mom, sister or best friend having a support person by your side creates less stress, more happiness and a smooth delivery for mom.
Packing essentials for your support person is a good ideal because they might forget with so much going on running around making sure you’re ok, making sure the nurses and doctors are doing what they’re suppose to do and just being by your side.